Dial-A-Ride Service
Call and speak to one of Western Piedmont Regional Transit Authority's (WPRTA) / Greenway Public Transportation Customer Information Agent at 828-464-9444 hearing impaired customers please call relay service at 7-1-1 or 1-877-735-8200. Third party language translation services are available by calling the scheduling office at 828-464-9444.
Passengers who require trip scheduling or trip information may call the Scheduling office. When scheduling your trip for Complementary Paratransit or Demand Response, please have the following information ready:
*Passenger name
*Pick up address
*Address of destination
*Arrival time to destination
*Approximate return trip request time
*Type of assistance device, such as wheelchair, cane, etc.
*If a personal care attendant will accompany the passenger
*If a service animal will accompany the passenger
*If a guest will accompany the passenger
Be ready when the vehicle arrives. The vehicle will wait for five minutes and then will proceed to the passenger.
How to Pay
Please have exact change or pre-purchased ticket upon each boarding. The drivers do not carry change.
Children five and under ride free.
Greenway Public Transportation offers several Dial-A-Ride service options: complementary paratransit (ADA), demand response (general public), and agency contracted service.
1) Complementary Paratransit (American with Disabilities Act/ADA)
Description of Complementary Paratransit (ADA) service
WPRTA complementary paratransit service offers curb to curb transportation with additional assistance upon request within ¾ of a mile of the fixed-route bus service to passengers who have a disability that prevents them from getting to a bus stop, getting onto the bus or understanding how to use the bus system. This service requires a passenger to fill out an ADA application and meet the eligibility requirements as established in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Complementary Paratransit Service may be provided door to door upon request but not beyond the threshold (door) of the residence or facility.
Link to ADA complementary Paratransit Service Procedures, updated July 1, 2019 (CLICK HERE!).
Service Hours
Complementary paratransit hours (excluding holidays) are:
Weekdays: 5:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Currently, there is no Sunday service.
Scheduling a complementary paratransit trip
The complementary paratransit service is a shared ride, public transportation service. Requests for service may be made by calling the scheduling office at (828) 464-9444 during business hours on the preceding day that service is needed, however additional notice is recommended. Reservations may be made between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Calls on Sunday will be received by an answering system.
Same day service requests are not available. The trip requests for both destination and return shall be scheduled at the time of the request.
Complementary paratransit service area
Service is only provided inside the service area as defined by the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The area is defined as an area within 3/4 of a mile on either side of a fixed route service.
There are three types of complementary paratransit eligibility:
Service must be provided to visitors. A visitor can become eligible in one of two ways. The first is to present documentation from his or her “home” jurisdiction's paratransit system. Greenway Public Transportation will give “full faith and credit” to the identification card or other documentation from the other entity. If the individual has no such documentation, the local provider may require the provision of proof of visitor status (i.e., proof of residence somewhere else) and, if the individual's disability is not apparent, proof of the disability (e.g., a letter from a doctor or rehabilitation professional). Once this documentation is presented and is satisfactory, Greenway Public Transportation will make service available on the basis of the individual's statement that he or she is unable to use the fixed route transit system. Greenway Public Transportation is not required to provide more than 21 days of service within a 365 day period. Greenway may request that the visitor apply for eligibility in order to receive additional service beyond this number of days.
Complementary Paratransit Service may be provided door to door upon request but not beyond the threshold (door) of the residence or facility.
2) Demand Response (general public) service
The WPRTA demand response service is available to the general public. The demand response service offers shared ride, curb to curb, public transportation in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba counties. Service is offered upon seat and route availability. New passengers are encouraged to call the scheduling office for service information and individual trip planning. Demand Response Service Policy effective July 1, 2019.
Demand Response service hours
Demand Response Service hours (excluding holidays) are:
Monday through Friday - 5:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Currently there is no Saturday or Sunday service.
Scheduling a Demand Response trip
Requests for service may be made during normal business hours by 12:00 p.m. on the preceding business day that service is requested, however additional notice is recommended. Reservations may be made between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Same-day service requests are not available. The trip requests for both destination and return shall be scheduled at the time of the request.
Demand Response service parameters
WPRTA offers service within Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba county and additional pre-determined destinations. Demand response (general public) service and agency eligible contracted service is provided.
3) Agency contracted Dial-A-Ride service
Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba counties provide additional agency eligible, contracted trips in addition to complementary paratransit service and demand response (general public) service. These trips are specific to the contracted agencies guidelines, routes, and policies. Greenway Public Transportation will follow the agency guidelines, routes, and policies as a shared ride service specific to the contracted service.
6. RULES FOR RIDING (effective July 1, 2019)
Trip Denials
A trip request may be denied for Demand Service if WPRTA is at full capacity or the time is not available to complete the trip as requested.
Trip requests for Complementary Paratransit will not be denied due to capacity constraints.
Subscription Service
A subscription trip for Complementary Paratransit or Demand Response is an ongoing reservation for a specific day of the week (for example, to work, dialysis, physical therapy, merchants, community services etc.). It is useful to schedule a subscription trip when a passenger goes to the same place one or more days each week. Subscription trips allow a passenger to schedule all trip requests with one phone call. Please call our scheduling center during business hours to request a subscription trip. Subscription service is on a space available basis.
A passenger who cancels or changes a subscription trip more than 4 times in a calendar month, will lose the option of using subscription scheduling and will be asked to call in all trips on a daily basis no more than 48 hours in advance for a 30 day period.
Pick-Up and Drop Off
Passengers will receive a designated pick up time for all for Complementary Paratransit and Demand Response trips. The driver may arrive up to thirty (30) minutes after the designated pick up time. Please be ready and waiting in a place where you can hear or see the vehicle when it arrives. Drivers are not allowed to enter a residence or other facilities to look for passengers. To avoid delaying other passengers, drivers will only wait five (5) minutes before proceeding on their route.
The vehicle requires an obstruction-free approach and sufficient turn-around area for its vehicles. Under some conditions alternate pick-up and drop-off locations may be established because of obstructed driveways, turnarounds, or other safety concerns.
Passenger Assistance
Transportation service is provided by ADA accessible lift equipped vehicles for complementary paratransit and demand response trips. All operators are trained to provide reasonable assistance. Operators are not trained to provide medical assistance.
Reasonable assistance includes:
Reasonable assistance DOES NOT include:
Dial-A-Ride Fares
The WPRTA Board establishes the fare for the complementary paratransit and demand response (general public) service. Fare must be paid upon each boarding by cash or ticket. Exact fare is required, operators cannot make change, and passengers may purchase ticket booklets from our Dial-A-Ride operators. The current fares are as follows:
$2.50 per one way trip or one Dial-a-Ride ticket
$22.50 per booklet of Dial-a-Ride ticket Tickets (each booklet contains 10 tickets)
Car Seats
WPRTA requires the personal care attendant to provide an appropriate car seat for each child that requires a car seat. The proper use and installation of the Child Safety Restraint Seat is fully the responsibility of the accompanying adult. The selections and utilization of a Child Safety Restraint Seat must follow State and Federal Guidelines. A ride will not be provided for anyone violating this policy.
Car seats may not be left on WPRTA vehicles. Each one way trip will require the car seat to be removed upon exit and secured upon entry.
Personal Care Attendant and Guests
A personal care attendant (PCA) is someone who travels with a passenger to provide any assistance. A PCA rides for free and must board and de-board at the same location as the passenger. Your PCA may also meet you at both ends of your trip.
Please inform the customer service representative, each time you make a reservation, that a PCA will accompany you to ensure sufficient seating availability on the van.
Please inform the customer service representative, each time you make a reservation, if a guest will accompany you to ensure sufficient seating availability on the van.
Please note that if a passenger cannot be left alone at a destination, or if the passenger must be under constant care or supervision, WPRTA may request the passenger to travel with a PCA. WPRTA is unable to alter or modify procedures or policies in order to provide specialized services to passengers who need services beyond the passenger assistance guidelines.
Cancellations and No-Shows
Passengers unable to keep scheduled appointments must call (1) hour prior to the designated pick up time for in county trips and by 4:00 p.m. the day before for out of county trips.
Failure to take a scheduled trip or cancel that trip within the cancellation policy guidelines will result in a "No-Show." A pattern of successive no-shows may result in service suspension. No-show suspension guidelines are as follows.
First No-Show: After the first no-show the passenger will receive a verbal warning to call in cancellations in advance per the cancellation guidelines along with a verbal reminder of No Show consequences.
Second No-Show: After the second no-show the passenger will receive a second verbal warning to call in cancellations in advance per the cancellation guidelines along with a additional verbal reminder of No Show consequences.
Third No-Show: After the third no-show the passenger will be placed on a thirty (30) day suspension from the date the third no-show occurred.
All no-shows following the third no-show suspension will be treated as a third no-show resulting in a thirty (30) day suspension.
No-show violations will expire at the end of each fiscal year, beginning on July 1st, and ending on June 30th.
Unattended Customer Procedure
Customers determined as unable to be left unattended (based on age, cognitive limitations or special request of the responsible party) may schedule rides and ride unattended; however, arrangements must be made to have a responsible party meet the vehicle at each location. A customer or their legal guardian must submit a request for a passenger to be determined as unable to be left unattended. The driver will only wait five minutes for the responsible party to meet the vehicle. If no one arrives, the driver will notify the Authority and continue on their route. WPRTA will attempt to reach the designated emergency contact person. If the customer is not met by the end of the route, they will be returned to the bus garage. The customer will not be left unattended; however, the appropriate authorities will be notified to assist in locating a responsible party. Customers who must continue on a route beyond their scheduled destination may be subject to suspension of services. To submit a request, please call 828-464-9444.
Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive or abusive behavior of any type, directed towards WPRTA employees or passengers, will not be tolerated. Instances of abuse will be thoroughly investigated on a case-by-case basis. The severity of the instance will determine the penalty and may range from a letter of warning to criminal prosecution. WPRTA reserves the right to suspend and/or revoke transportation privileges in cases of abusive behavior when the safety and well being of the employees and/or passengers is compromised.
Service Animals
Service animals are welcome to ride the Dial-A-Ride vehicle. Passengers using a service animal are responsible for the animal and will be held liable for the behavior and actions of the animal. Service animals regardless of training or certification may be denied transportation if the animal becomes out of control and effective action is not taken to control the animal by the owner. WPRTA does not transport non-service animals.
Carry on Items
Passengers are allowed to bring on the bus or van as many packages as they are capable of carrying in one trip. If help is needed for additional packages, a companion must be available to assist the passenger. Passengers' packages are to be held within their lap, wheelchair or motorized scooter. Packages are not to be stored in the aisles of the vehicle or in unoccupied seats.
Rules and Regulations to Ride By
The Authority’s van operations comply with all state and federal safety policies, as well as criminal statutes and municipal ordinances to ensure the safety of our passengers and the public at large. Here is a list of some of those policies that are meant to help you and your fellow passengers enjoy a safe and stress-free ride:
Lost and Found
Articles left on vehicles can be claimed by calling WPRTA at 828-464-9444 or by visiting our office at 1515 4th St. S.W., Conover, NC 28613, Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Inquiries about lost items should be made as soon as possible.
Inclement Weather
Service will be limited and possibly cancelled when adverse weather creates conditions hazardous for passengers, operators and vehicles. Passengers may call 828-464-9444 for inclement weather updates.
Seat belts and Wheelchair Securement
WPRTA utilizes wheelchair securements straps to secure devices meeting the common wheelchair definition. The vehicles are designed to utilize four (4) securement straps, a lap and a shoulder belt. WPRTA’s policy requires that all passengers utilize them for their own safety as well as the safety of other passengers.
Greenway Public Transportation / Western Piedmont Regional Transit Authority
1459 Robinwood Rd
Newton, NC 28658
All Rights Reserved |By NationalRTAP