Our Transportation Team
Meet the folks who make it all happen. Greenway sees big potential in every moment, and cares deeply about providing transportation every day. Our hiring process and training focus on customer service so that we have the very best staff, at every level of operation. Our leadership team reflects diverse individuals with breadth and depth of experience across our organization.
Fax number for all employees: 828-466-0570
First Name | Last Name | Function | Number | |
Jesse | Allen | Fleet and Facility Maintenance Director | jallen@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7632 |
Randy | Bowen | Logistics Manager | rbowen@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7639 |
Michael | Bowman | Executive Director | mbowman@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7642 |
N/A | Business Line | Business Office phone line | N/A | 828-464-9446 |
Elizabeth | Campbell | Scheduler | ecampbell@mygreenway.org | 282-464-9444 |
Customer Call Center / Dial-A-Ride Service | N/A | Schedule Dial-A-Ride van and flex route rides, Dial-A-Ride information, future Dial-A-Ride cancellations (other than same day and next business day) | scheduling@mygreenway.org | 828-464-9444 |
Customer Service/Complaints | N/A | Customer Service/Complaints | customerservice@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7633 |
Dispatch Office | N/A | Fixed Route bus information, dispatch vans & drivers, same day and next business day cancellations for Dial-A-Ride service. | dispatch@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7634 |
Rhonda | Carter | Transit/Validator/Ticket Sales | transitcenter@mygreenway.org | 828-322-3128 |
Scott | Cook | Finance Director | scook@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7644 |
Kaylan | Kelley | Mobility Manager | kkelley@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7640 |
Lori | Kuykendall | Reservationist | lkuykendall@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7633 |
Kenny | LaCourse | Scheduler | klacourse@mygrenway.org | N/A |
Marc | LeBlanc | Field Supervisor I | mleblanc@mygreenway.org | 828-449-9977 |
Thad | Livingston | Operations Manager | tlivingston@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7631 |
Erika | Lowrance | Executive Administrative Assistant | elowrance@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7627 |
Patrick | Nelson | Human Resources Director | patrick.nelson@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7646 |
Patti | Foster Nelson | Director of Operations | pfoster@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7641 |
Kevin | Oliver | Program Specialist | koliver@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7645 |
Christy | Robinson | Scheduler | crobinson@mygreenway.org | 828-464-9444 |
Amanda | Safrit | Finance Supervisor | asafrit@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7643 |
Amber | Sanchez | Finance Specialist | asanchez@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7628 |
Christopher | Sigmon | Scheduler | csigmon@mygreenway.org | 828-464-9444 |
Richard | Smith | Maintenance Supervisor | rsmith@mygreenway.org | N/A |
Kathy | Stikeleather | Finance Specialist | kstikeleather@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7637 |
Tim | Swann | Compliance Specialist | tswann@mygreenway.org | 828-465-7636 |
Greenway Public Transportation / Western Piedmont Regional Transit Authority
1459 Robinwood Rd
Newton, NC 28658
All Rights Reserved |By NationalRTAP